Small Game Information


Small Game and Predator Hunting Areas

Small game and predator hunting is permitted from 1/2 hour before sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset. Night hunting is prohibited. 

Hunters participating in the small game or predator hunting concurrently (during) the deer season must checkin to a deer stand and must hunt elevated 10ft or greater off the ground. They must also hunt within 50 yards of the deer stand. 

If deer season is no longer open, small game and predator hunters must checkin to a small game and predator hunting area (SG).

Air rifles not exceeding .22 caliber. Air rifle use is prohibited within 200 yards of any structure or paved road. Air rifle use is limited to designated locations, including HA 24I, HA 28, and HA 24 west of the train tracks. 


Small Game and Predator Season and Bag Limits

Hunting days for small game and predators are Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Please keep in mind that small game and predator hunting also runs concurrently with waterfowl seasons and often share the same general HAs. 

Seasons and bag limits are set by the Virginia Dept. of Wildlife Resources and will be followed at Fort Eustis. See Virginia Dept. of Wildlife Resources for specific regulations. 

Priority is given to military training missions, maintenance, and construction projects. Please see the "Open Areas" and "Upcoming Events" tabs for information regarding open areas.